The Seven Creeks Estate, just outside of Shepparton, Victoria, is home to a steadily expanding community who enjoy the very best of both country and city living.
The popular neighbourhood park populated by Furphy Foundry products, came into being from direct community consultation, a few post-it notes and “dot democracy”.
The planning process started with a “community planning day” where members of the Seven Creeks community gathered to brainstorm the future of their suburb.
Attendees added “dots” to the priorities they wished to see built, and here we are, a few years later and Furphy’s Provincial Shelters and a variety of street and park furniture are prominent fixtures in the Seven Creeks Park – thanks to some red dots!
The two Provincial Shelters (9.3m x 5.m and 5m x 5.7m) installed adjacently with overlapping roofs and two shared posts, feature powder-coated steel posts and aluminium screens (in Manor Red).
A suite of Furphy Metro products are also on-site, including Picnic Settings, Seats and Litter Receptacles. A Doggie Litter Receptacle and Sandford Drinking Fountain are well used by park visitors.
Furphy also installed the shelters and street furniture.