According to the Keep Australia Beautiful Litter Index, Australia’s rates of litter are dropping each year, and its encouraging to read that recreation parks are amongst the cleanest of public areas in the country.
Litter and recycling receptacles no doubt play a large part.
Furphy Foundry produce a comprehensive range of Litter Receptacles, with a model to suit any environment or demand, all crafted for long-life, low maintenance and style.
100% recycled cast aluminium frames in some models are well suited to high corrosive areas, as is the lower priced galvanized steel. Stainless steel, used in paneling, is also resistant to salt air.
Some of our bin enclosures use a combination of steel and hardwood timber slats or wood plastic composite (WPC) to give it a versatile and stylish look.
For public areas which attract large crowds, 240 litre receptacles are more suited than 120 litre.
Lids come in a variety of combinations, designed to keep rain out, but still allow easy disposal of rubbish.
For the recycling receptacle, a rubber hole insert and stainless steel ring is placed on the outside to detract people from placing general waste into the bin and promote placing bottles, cups and other recycled items.
Doors are secured by a 7 mm triangle lock, only accessible with a special key.
All Furphy Litter Receptacles use a simple bolt down attachment to secure to the ground, or an adjustable brass foot mechanism for uneven or sloping surfaces.
All litter and recycling receptacles can be modified, in colour, finish or with the addition of a laser-cut logo, for example, a council logo.
Bin enclosures can be secured together, with allocation for a specific use: litter, bottle recycle, plastic recycle, paper recycle, doggie litter or many other uses.
Other options include decals, cigarette bins or butt-out plates.
Speak with your local Furphy Project Consultant to discuss other custom designs.
Vale Ian Kiernan
Furphy Foundry would like to pay its respects to Ian Kiernan, former Australian Year and founder of Clean Up Australia, who passed away in October aged 78.
Thanks to Ian and the Clean Up Australia organization, today’s public parks and open spaces are cleaner, and Australia shares a greater sense of responsibility for our environment.
Almost 300,000 volunteers turned up for the first Clean Up Australia Day in 1990 and that involvement steadily grew. Since then, more than 33 million Australians have volunteered and removed the equivalent of 350,000 ute loads of rubbish!