Corporate Social & Community Responsibility

You might ask why is Furphy involved in literary awards? Well, that stems back to our beginnings.
Fostering creativity, conversation and story-telling is inherent in our values and history.
The Furphy Literary Awards honour Australian author, Joseph Furphy, whose major work – Such is Life – is recognised as an Australian classic. Published in 1903, “Such is Life”, like his other works, captured the Australian character and custom, life and scenery in a unique way that was rich and detailed.
Today his work remains a thoughtful and colourful insight into an earlier Australia and the Furphy Literary Awards add to his legacy and to Australian writing.
During the First World War Australian soldiers congregated at the back of Furphy-branded water carts manufactured by Joseph’s brother John. At training camps and on battlefields, they spread speculative (and increasingly wild) rumours and stories of what was happening and what was about to happen. These often ingenious fabrications became known as “Furphies” and the word entered our national vernacular.
Today, we’re proud sponsors and supporters of the Furphy Literary Award which aims to encourage and celebrate the next generation of writers who can pen a good yarn.
The annual event invites entries of previously unpublished short stories up to 5000 words, as well as a junior and youth category for short stories and poetry, with generous prizes on offer.
It provides a platform and opportunity for all writers – young and old – to use their talents to compete at the highest standard.